Product Supply

We connect you to our selection of premium climbing hold brands and will assist you in making an informed selection from their range of products based on your requirements.

As partners, we strive to understand your vision and needs, not to present our own. We value direct communication and personal visits over just images and order forms. Face-to-face meetings and strong working relationships are important to us.

We manage all aspects of the commercial sale, supplychain, marketing support and any additional customer needs or requirements. We believe in the brands we supply and will strive to give you the best customer experience possible.

Consultation Service

Hold orders can be complicated, and if you have a new wall build in the pipeline or you have new budget available it can be hard to envisage what you might need.

Our Hold Consultation Service supports you in making a balanced hold order considering all of the factors at play.

We collaborate with some experienced individuals when it comes to hold order planning. Your wall may have been designed to optimise the use of space and incorporate a variety of angles, but its usefulness is directly related to the holds available to the route setters.

Our consultation service is an additional expense, but we’re confident that your wall will benefit a great deal from a considered approach to your hold order. We might well save you some money in the process too.