Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why can't I purchase all of your brands in Germany & Austria?

    Contact, HWH & Lock are available in Austria & South Germany but our other brands have different distributors in those regions.

    Please go to our brands own websites for further information about how to purchase their products in your region.

  • Can I purchase ArtLine through Appiano Distribution Studio in Germany & Austria?

    No. We are the official distributor for ArtLine in Italy only.

    For Artline in Germany & Austria please contact:

    Flashline C&Y GmbH, Industriestr. 11, 96120 Bischberg

  • Can I purchase Core through Appiano Distribution Studio in Germany & Austria also?

    No. We are the official distributor for Core in Italy only.

    For Core in Germany & Austria please contact:

    Benky Vertical Equipment, Blaubeurer Str. 100, 89077 Ulm

  • Can I purchase Morpho through Appiano Distribution Studio in Austria or Germany?

    No. We are the official distributor for Morpho in Italy only.

    For Morpho in Austria please contact:

    Holds & Walls GmbH, Migazziplatz 5, 1120 Wien

    For Morpho in Germany please contact:

    Benky Vertical Equipment, Blaubeurer Str. 100, 89077 Ulm

  • Where will my order be delivered from?

    Large orders requiring production will be shipped from the brand/s direct.

    Core orders are dispatched direct from Core in the UK.

    Artline orders are either a) consolidated in France and dispatched direct from Artline in France or b) separated into their component parts and dispatched from Composite-X Bulgaria (PE & PU), Poland (GRP, WoodLine & TrainingLine).

    Contact orders are dispatched direct from Contact in the UK.

    Morpho orders are dispatched direct from Morpho in Slovenia.

    WideBoyz orders are dispatched direct from WideBoyz in the UK.

    Lock orders are dispatched direct from Lock in the UK.

    Hard Wood Holds orders are dispatched direct from Hard Wood Holds in the UK.