The Wide Boyz bring the art of crack climbing to the world of indoor climbing.

The techniques required for the various styles of crack climbing are somewhat of a mystrey to many climbers. Most of these techniques require a high level of pain tolerance as newcomers to this style begin by wedging body parts into uncomfortable positions against the abrasive surfaces of gritstone, granite or the textured plywood of and indoor climbing gym.

The Products

The Wide Boyz have developed an excellent range of products for crack climbing, making sure that these forgotten skills are now accessible to all.

Their comfortable fibreglass Crack Volumes can be set at many different widths, and on angles from the vertical face to the horizontal roof.

They also have a range of supporting products such as the Wide Boyz Crack Gloves and Wide Boyz Hand Tape to protect your hands during the next battle with with whatever style of crack the next route or boulder throws at you.


